Malaysia Water Heater Safety: A Guide to Ensuring a Safe Hot Shower At Home

Malaysia Water Heater Safety: A Guide to Ensuring a Safe Hot Shower At Home


A hot shower is a daily routine that many of us cherish, but its enjoyment should never compromise our safety. Water heaters, while providing comfort, come with inherent risks that can lead to accidents, injuries, or even fatalities if not properly maintained. The consequences of neglecting water heater safety can be severe, affecting not only individuals but entire households.

In the past decade, Malaysia has tragically witnessed several serious incidents of electrocution deaths linked to water heaters. These incidents occurred in Sep 2013 in Kuala Lumpur, Aug 2014 in Johor, July 2016 in Negeri Sembilan, Feb 2017 in Mont Kiara, Aug 2020 in Kuala Lumpur, and the most recent case in March 2022 in Cameron Highlands. These distressing and true incidents underscore the critical importance and serious consequences of water heater safety in Malaysia. 

water heaters electrocution
Photo byJakub Skafiriak on Unsplash

In this guide, we will explore essential safety features crucial for selecting the right water heater, emphasise the importance of regular maintenance, proper installation and offer insights into emergency preparedness. We’ll cover:

  1. Understanding Water Heater Risks
  2. 6 Safety Features to Consider When Selecting a Safe Water Heater
    1. Certification and compliance
    2. Electrical safety
    3. Temperature control features
    4. Pressure relief valve
    5. Tank Material
    6. Fire resistant
  3. 5 Installation Guidelines
    1. Hiring qualified professionals for installation
    2. Ensuring compliance with SIRIM requirements
    3. Plumbing considerations
    4. Electrical safety
    5. Using anti-scald devices and mixing valves
  4. Regular Maintenance Checks
  5. Emergency Preparedness
  6. Conclusion

Understanding Water Heater Risks

While water heaters provide comfort, they come with potential risks that, if neglected, can lead to accidents. These risks encompass electrical malfunctions, scalding incidents, pressure-related issues, and even the potential for fire. Recognising these potential hazards is the initial step toward effectively mitigating them.

Common Causes of Accidents

In Malaysian households, water heater accidents often result from improper installation, lack of maintenance, or the use of outdated and non-compliant units. Neglecting water heater safety can lead to significant consequences, posing risks to both occupants and property.

If the thermostat malfunctions, the water temperature may become dangerously high, causing severe burns and increasing the risk of fire. Moreover, given that electricity powers the heating elements, there is a potential electrocution risk if proper isolation measures are not in place. 

An illustrative case involves an electrical accident with an electric water heater in December 2020, involving an elderly couple and their son who lost their lives after being electrocuted due to fused cables in the plug supplying power to their instant water heater. 

Similarly, in November 2021 in Singapore, a fire broke out in a flat bathroom while a family member was showering. Improper installation of connecting wires between the water heater and the circuit breaker caused the fire, leading to property damage and endangering lives.

water heater fire risks
Photo byKarl Callwood on Unsplash

 Another tragic incident occurred in Mar 2022 in Cameron Highlands, where the victim suffered an electric shock while bathing due to malfunctioning electrical protection measures. All these real accidents consistently emphasise the significant importance of prioritising water heater safety for the protection of individuals and property.

6 Safety Features for a Secure Water Heater Choice

Given the crucial nature of water heater safety highlighted by real accidents, the initial selection factors and features for a water heater become critically important. Here, we explore 6 crucial safety features that should be on your radar:

1. Certification and Compliance

Malaysia places a strong emphasis on safety standards for water heaters. Two key regulatory bodies play a crucial role in establishing and enforcing these standards: SIRIM (Standards and Industrial Research Institute of Malaysia) and the Suruhanjaya Tenaga (Energy Commission Malaysia).

SIRIM is a national body responsible for developing and maintaining standards to enhance the quality and safety of products in Malaysia. When selecting a water heater, it is highly advisable to prioritise models that carry the SIRIM certification. This certification indicates that the water heater has undergone rigorous testing and meets the required safety and performance standards set by SIRIM.

The Suruhanjaya Tenaga is another authoritative body that plays a pivotal role in regulating the energy sector, including the safety standards for electrical appliances such as water heaters. Adherence to the guidelines and requirements set by the Energy Commission Malaysia is essential for ensuring the safe and efficient operation of water heaters.

2. Electrical Safety

Make sure that instant water heaters come equipped with an ELCB (Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker) to detect abnormal currents and prevent electrical hazards. For storage water heaters, ensure they have an isolation barrier, and it's preferable if they also include an ELCB for an additional layer of protection.

Additionally, look for water-proof and non-conductive casings to minimise the risk of electrical malfunctions and ensure safe operation. These features collectively contribute to a secure and reliable electrical system in your water heater, enhancing overall safety for you and your family.

water heater electrical safety
Photo by Mark Kats on Unsplash

 3. Temperature Control Features

To ensure safe and efficient operation, choose water heaters equipped with temperature control features such as thermostats and thermal cut-off protection. The thermostat enables precise temperature regulation, allowing you to set the desired water temperature for consistent and safe output in various applications.

Meanwhile, thermal cut-off protection automatically shuts off the water heater if the temperature exceeds a preset limit, typically between 70°C to 75°C. This feature prevents overheating and adds an extra layer of protection against scalding, ensuring the longevity of the unit.

Most brands use only one component to control both thermostat and thermal cut-off functions. However, some brands, like Esio's vertical model, are designed with dedicated components for an extra layer of safety protection. This additional feature enhances the overall safety and provides added peace of mind for homeowners.

4. Pressure Relief Valve

A pressure relief valve is designed to release excess pressure from the tank, preventing potential hazards. The pressure relief valve acts as a safeguard, ensuring that the pressure inside the water heater remains within safe limits.

Look for water heaters that come equipped with a reliable pressure relief valve to enhance safety and protect against the risks associated with excessive pressure buildup. This feature contributes to the overall security of the water heating system, promoting a safer and more efficient operation.

During installation, do not remove the pressure relief valve, as it plays a critical role in maintaining safe pressure levels. Additionally, ensure that the overflow pipe is kept in a constant downward direction to facilitate the proper discharge of excess water in case of emergencies.

5. Tank Material

Opt for water heaters with tanks made from durable and corrosion-resistant materials, such as stainless steel or glass-lined steel, to ensure a longer lifespan and reduce the risk of leaks. 

A sturdy tank, like one made from 304L low-carbon stainless steel, ensures longevity and minimises the risk of water damage by preventing rusting and deterioration in the water heater.

6. Fire Resistant

Choose a water heater with a fire-retardant case to enhance safety. This feature acts as a protective barrier, minimising the risk of fire-related incidents. The fire-retardant case is designed to resist the spread of flames and contains any potential fire within the unit.

Additionally, check for a water heater equipped with fire protection insulation. This insulation is designed to withstand high temperatures and provides an additional layer of defence against fire hazards. It enhances the overall safety of the water heater, offering peace of mind to homeowners.

5 Installation Guidelines for a Secure Water Heater Setup

In addition to the built-in safety features of water heaters, the proper installation of these appliances is frequently overlooked in Malaysia. This oversight contributes to numerous serious water heater incidents stemming from improper installations. Here are guidelines to follow:

1. Hiring Qualified Professionals

    Always enlist the services of qualified professionals for the installation of your water heater. Avoid the temptation of a do-it-yourself (DIY) approach, as water heaters involve complex electrical wiring and components. A qualified electrician possesses the knowledge and skill to handle electrical connections safely, minimising the risk of electrical hazards. 

    Hiring Qualified Professionals
    Photo by Marian Florinel Condruz on Unsplash

     2. Compliance with Energy Commission Malaysia (Suruhanjaya Tenaga Malaysia) Requirements

    The Energy Commission Malaysia, or Suruhanjaya Tenaga Malaysia, has established specific requirements to promote the safe and efficient use of water heaters in Malaysia. By adhering to these guidelines, you contribute to a secure setup that minimises potential risks.

    Proper grounding is essential to prevent electrical hazards. The installation should comply with the standards set by the Energy Commission Malaysia to guarantee the safe operation of your water heater.

    3. Plumbing Considerations

    A secure water heater setup requires careful consideration of plumbing elements to prevent issues such as leaks, water damage, and potential hazards. 

    Ensure that the water pipes connected to your water heater are securely fastened and free from leaks. Proper pipe connections contribute to the efficient flow of water and minimise the risk of water damage to surrounding areas.

    4. Electrical Safety

    Ensure that the water heater is properly grounded to prevent electrical shock hazards. A grounding system directs excess electrical current safely into the ground, reducing the risk of electrical malfunctions. Use an RCD (Residual Current Device) breaker instead of a normal switch for added safety.

    Furthermore, confirm that the wiring connected to the water heater is appropriate for its electrical requirements. Improper wiring can lead to electrical overloads, posing fire risks and endangering the safe operation of the unit.

    Additionally, it is crucial to ensure that the electrical components, particularly conductors, meet the minimum size requirements specified in safety standards. Only electrical current capacity graded copper conductor cables and equipment are permitted to be used in current carrying applications for installations.

    Minimum Conductor Sizes Guideline from Energy Commission Malaysia
    (Minimum Conductor Sizes Guideline from Energy Commission Malaysia)

     5. Anti-Scald Devices and Mixing ValvesIncorporating Anti-Scald Devices and Mixing Valves is crucial for enhancing the safety of your water heater setup, especially when considering households with elderly and children. 

    These devices play a vital role in preventing scalding incidents and ensuring a consistent and safe water temperature. One key feature to look for is a safety lock mechanism, which adds an extra layer of protection by restricting access to temperature controls. 

    Regular Maintenance Checks

    Regular maintenance is the key to preventing unexpected breakdowns, identifying issues early on, and extending the lifespan of your water heater. It’s a proactive approach that safeguards against potential hazards, ensuring that your unit operates at optimal efficiency. 

    Regular Maintenance Checks
    Photo by Антон Дмитриев on Unsplash

    Periodic Checks for Water Heater Safety

    It is recommended to perform periodic maintenance at least once every 6 months, as stipulated by Energy Commission Malaysia. Before conducting maintenance, the water heater systems should be switched off using the maintenance disconnector.

    Routine inspections should cover various aspects of your water heater, including checking for signs of corrosion, leaks, or any unusual noises. Additionally, it is essential to verify the functionality of safety features, including pressure relief valves and thermostats. Periodic flushing of the tank to remove sediment buildup is also recommended to maintain efficient heating.

    Perform Routine Checks on ELCB or RCCB

    To maintain water heater safety in Malaysian homes, it's crucial to conduct routine checks on the Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker (ELCB) and Residual Current Circuit Breaker (RCCB) monthly, as recommended by The Electrical And Electronics Association of Malaysia

    These devices play a vital role in preventing electrical accidents during daily hot showers. The ELCB detects leakage currents caused by faults, while the RCCB identifies residual current imbalances, both swiftly disconnecting power to prevent potential hazards.

    Regular inspections ensure optimal functionality, minimising accidents and contributing to overall electrical safety. Homeowners can perform visual inspections and routine tests using test buttons, considering professional assessments for a comprehensive inspection.

    Checking Drain Valves and Operating Pressure Relief Valves

    Regular maintenance of Pressure Relief Valves (PRVs) is crucial for ensuring the safety of storage water heaters in Malaysian homes. Follow the recommendation of the Energy Commission Malaysia by manually operating PRVs at least once a year to verify their proper functionality.

    This process involves slowly lifting the lever handle to allow the valve to operate freely and return to its closed position. While doing this, stand clear of the outlet and be cautious of hot discharged water. Properly connecting the valve to a discharge line is essential to prevent water damage. In the event that the valve fails to reset and continues releasing water, promptly shut off electrical power and the cold water inlet valve, and seek assistance from a qualified service technician.

    Emergency Preparedness

    While water heaters are designed with safety features, unforeseen situations can arise. Being equipped to handle emergencies ensures the well-being of your household and the protection of your property.

    Quick Shut-Off in Case of Emergencies

    Know the location of key components that can be crucial in emergencies. Familiarise yourself with the electrical shut-off valve and water shut-off valve. In the event of a malfunction or water heater-related emergency, immediately turning off the main power supply and water supply can prevent further damage and hazards.

    Emergency Preparedness
    Photo by Jason Leung on Unsplash

    Educating Family Members on Safe Practices

    Ensure that all family members are aware of safety protocols related to the water heater. This includes understanding how to shut off the unit in case of an emergency and knowing the location of emergency exits and fire extinguishers. An informed household is better equipped to respond effectively to unexpected situations.

    Preparing for Common Water Heater Emergencies

    Anticipate and prepare for potential emergencies specific to water heaters. Prepare an emergency kit with essential tools, such as flashlight, a first aid kit, and contact information for emergency services. Store the emergency kit in an easily accessible location, and ensure that everyone in the household is aware of it and knows how to reach them.


    In summary, the pursuit of a comforting hot shower should never compromise the safety of our homes and loved ones. The past decade has witnessed unfortunate incidents, highlighting the critical importance of water heater safety in Malaysia. From electrocution to fire hazards, the risks associated with water heaters demand a proactive and informed approach.

    This includes opting for SIRIM-certified water heaters with electrical safety features, conducting regular maintenance checks, ensuring proper installation by qualified professionals, practising emergency preparedness, and complying with local regulations.

    Do’s & Don’ts When Selecting a Water Heater for Safety


    • Choose Water Heater with SIRIM Certification

      Opting for SIRIM-certified water heaters assures quality and adherence to national safety standards, contributing to a secure and reliable hot water experience at home.

      • Professional Installation

        Prioritise professional installation to guarantee compliance with safety regulations and proper functioning of the water heater.

        • Regular Maintenance

          Establish a consistent maintenance schedule, focusing on electrical components, and overall unit performance.


          • Overlook Certification

            Avoid uncertified water heaters, as choosing units without SIRIM certification may compromise safety and reliability.

            • DIY Installation

              Refrain from attempting DIY installations, as improper setups can lead to safety hazards and compromise the efficiency of the water heater.

              • Neglect Maintenance

                Steer clear of neglecting regular maintenance checks, as this can lead to issues that may compromise the safety and performance of the water heater.

                Adhering to these measures, you secure a safe hot shower while actively protecting your loved ones and valuable property, preventing potential tragedies. Stay informed, stay safe, and enjoy the comfort of your home with the peace of mind that comes from a reliable and secure water heating system.

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