About us

Crafting Comfort with Expertise.

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We are a Taiwanese team that has spent 25 years perfecting the art of crafting storage water heaters. We don't just see showering as a daily routine but a special moment to relax and rejuvenate. 

Our passion for innovation has led us to develop heating technology recognised by global patents from the US, Germany, the UK, China, and beyond.

With our dedicated R&D team and manufacturing facility, we oversee every step, from innovation and component selection to quality assurance and optimisation. Our goal is to provide every family with a water experience that not only meets their needs but also brings a touch of care to everyday life.


Caring for Your Well-being Today, Innovating for Tomorrow.

John, the founder of Esio, was driven to transform the narrative around water heaters after witnessing his father's scalding injury during his childhood. His observation of the market's safety and quality imbalances, especially during his construction career, prompted him to conduct in-depth market research. 

He discovered that many storage water heater brands are lacking innovation and essential features. Key components like the heating element, thermostat, insulation foam, and inner tank material were often neglected, leading to premature aging and frequent breakages.


Motivated by this, John founded Esio, a brand emphasising the importance of every aspect of a water heater. Despite lucrative opportunities for original equipment manufacturing from reputable global brands, John insisted on operating Esio independently. 

This decision allowed the brand to meticulously oversee every detail of product manufacturing and quality assurance. Ensuring that every family receives a safer and professional hot water experience.

No.1 Storage Water Heater in Taiwan.

Esio has secured its position as the top choice for electric storage water heaters in Taiwan, earning the trust of over 200,000+ households. 

Beyond homes, our brand is the preferred selection for numerous construction projects, 5-Star hotels, Costco, renowned restaurants, and wellness spas. Esio reputation for trust and reliability extends to the commercial sector, solidifying our standing over 25 years.

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Our Vision and Mission

We're on a mission to make your life more comfortable and worry-free. Through innovative and reliable products, we aim to bring peace of mind to families worldwide. Plus, we're committed to doing our part for the planet by making our products more environmentally friendly.

Our Core Values


We cherish our customers' experience and satisfaction. Understanding their needs allows us to provide excellent products and services, fostering positive relationship.

Open Mind

We promote a culture of openness within our team. Encouraging everyone to voice their thoughts while actively listening to one another, we believe in fostering creativity and exploring new possibilities.


At Esio, we value reliability and accountability. Taking ownership of our actions, we actively solve problems instead of avoiding responsibility, ensuring our customers enjoy high-quality services.

Esio's Milestones

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Patents & Awards

189481 - 具貯熱、瞬熱及省電功能之電熱水器.png__PID:163a3041-ea0d-4bad-a490-6690a9e62c3c
I308206 - 具貯熱與瞬熱之電熱水器結構.png__PID:46378468-1f27-4d8e-b0b2-5f84d853142e
M276176 - 具複數個加熱貯水筒的電熱水器.png__PID:3784681f-278d-4e30-b25f-84d853142e78
大陸 1015318 - 具貯熱與瞬熱的電熱水器結構.png__PID:278d8e30-b25f-44d8-9314-2e789cc23157
德國 Nr. 20 2007 002 305.7.png__PID:8d8e30b2-5f84-4853-942e-789cc23157e7
日本 3131050 - 貯熱と瞬熱可能な給湯器構造.png__PID:8e30b25f-84d8-4314-ae78-9cc23157e767
英國 GB2446601.png__PID:d853142e-789c-4231-97e7-67f97b1a77e2
M298101 - 雙效之電熱水器結構.png__PID:681f278d-8e30-425f-84d8-53142e789cc2
大陸 454598  - 具貯熱、瞬熱及省電功能的電熱水器.png__PID:1f278d8e-30b2-4f84-9853-142e789cc231