What should I do if the temperature display shows 80 or 00 and keeps flashing?

If the temperature panel flashes or displays '80', but there's a normal hot water supply, there could be two situations. First, the water temperature inside the tank might be too high, causing an abnormal display on the panel. Second, there's a possibility of a malfunction in the temperature display mechanism.


If the water temperature inside the tank is too high, follow these steps:

  1. Turn off the water heater's power switch.
  2. Open the faucet and allow some hot water to drain out to lower the temperature.
  3. Once the temperature has reduced, switch the water heater's power back on.
  4. Verify if the display has returned to normal.


If the temperature display is malfunctioning

Recommended solutions:

  1. If the hot water supply remains unaffected, you can continue to use it without worry. The 'temperature display' and 'temperature controller' of Esio Storage Water Heaters are independent systems, ensuring no risk is involved.
  2. To repair the temperature display, kindly submit home repair requests through our official website. We will arrange our technicians to reach out to you, schedule an on-site inspection, and swiftly resolve the issue to ensure seamless operation.


Online home repair request link 👉 https://my.esiohome.com/pages/request-a-home-repair
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