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What Our Customers Have Said About Us From Google

Having used the first Esio Electrical Storage Water Heater for 13 years, I unequivocally opted for Esio once again when it came time for a replacement. The recently acquired Esio boasts a larger capacity, increased energy efficiency, and promises more savings on my electricity bill. I am committed to supporting Esio and its reliable products!


After transitioning to the Esio Electrical Storage Water Heater, my worries about high electricity consumption and its potential impact on my bills vanished. Discovering Esio, with its Grade 2 energy efficiency label certified by Taiwan’s energy efficiency standards, has led to a significant reduction in my monthly electricity costs—cutting them in half and resulting in substantial savings.

Hui Min

I installed the Esio Electrical Storage Water Heater in my house 2 years ago. Positioned above the bathroom ceiling, with a capacity of only 38L, it delivers hot water instantly when the tap is turned on. The process is remarkably fast and convenient, earning satisfaction from every member of my family. I highly recommend the Esio Storage Water Heater for its excellent performance!

Min Chun Lai

The customer service and after-sale support team efficiently address and resolve client inquiries promptly. In cases where the issue is minor, they guide clients through self-troubleshooting steps, demonstrating a helpful and professional approach. Thanks and appreciation for the excellent work of the customer service and support team.

Zoe Xu

I can easily engage in online chats with Esio’s customer service officer whenever I have questions. The entire online purchase process is incredibly convenient and seamless. I highly recommend opting for installation by Esio’s certified plumber, as they exhibit a high level of professionalism and have an excellent attitude.

Holiang Chang


Unlocking Ultimate Comfort, Experience Hot Water Freedom with Esio
May 27, 2024

解鎖提升家庭品質的秘訣,Esio 讓我實現熱水自由

Esio 儲水式電熱水器出水量大,浴缸很快就能放好水,重點是水溫不會因為出水多而變涼。 孩子們可以在溫水裡盡情嬉戲,不用擔心他們著涼感冒。 反之,即熱式電熱水器要放好浴缸的水,需要苦等到海枯石爛,而且使用太長時間,會出現越洗越涼的困擾。

Redefining Hot Water Solutions for New Homes with Efficiency and Reliability
Apr 22, 2024

從產品品質到專業服務,深刻體驗 Esio 對家的用心


Interview with a Small Home Buyer: Choosing Esio for Efficiency and Quality
Apr 15, 2024


70L 的熱水量充足,加熱速度也快,2 大 2 小的家庭目前使用起來熱水量相當足夠,每人淋浴 20 分鐘也不用排隊等熱水的情況,可以同時 2 間浴室淋浴也沒問題,水龍頭一轉就有熱水而且穩定,不會忽冷忽熱。

New Home Buyer's Dream: Exceptional Service from Purchase to Perfection
Apr 15, 2024


首次購屋在網路上搜索看熱水器的推薦,花了一些時間在研究熱水器的資訊,意外發現到 Esio 這個品牌。具備台灣能源效率標識的 2 級能效的它讓我瞬間心動,市面上一般的品牌幾乎都是 4 級能效的。於是我聯繫了 Esio 客服進行線上評估。

Comfort for Elderly Parents with Innovative Water Heating Solutions
Apr 08, 2024


Esio 畢竟是電熱水器老牌,可貴的是,Esio 會針對電熱水器的缺點改良精進,再者,先生覺得他牌電熱水器需提供足夠熱水時,其體積部分就會相對龐大,但 Esio 注意到體積控制!最後先生篤定說,Esio 應該是我們最好的選擇。

Enhancing Family Comfort & Savings with Energy-Efficient Water Heater
Apr 08, 2024


我本身是非常熱衷於 DIY,因此決定自己安裝熱水器。在收到產品後發現 Esio 的機身體積比舊熱水器要小和輕得多,這讓我感到相當驚豔!我懷著忐忑的心情,等到了使用熱水器後的第二個月,查看電費單,電費果然明顯降低了。

Unmatched Efficiency & Comfort: My Journey with Esio Water Heater
Apr 08, 2024

Esio 熱水器使用體驗:超越預期,節能高效,舒適享受

深入瞭解之後才發現,原來 Esio 的特殊專利內桶結構可以用 20L 的體積來供應 80L 的熱水,其研發的專利加熱技術,更是有效阻隔內桶的冷熱水直接交會,預防熱能浪費的同時大大提升加熱效率,也更節省浴室空間!

No.1 Storage Water Heater in Taiwan.

Esio has secured its position as the top choice for electric storage water heaters in Taiwan, earning the trust of over 200,000+ households. 

Beyond homes, our brand is the preferred selection for numerous construction projects, 5-Star hotels, Costco, renowned restaurants, and wellness spas. Esio reputation for trust and reliability extends to the commercial sector, solidifying our standing over 25 years.

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